Friday, 26 March 2010

Character modeling

So i am currently in the modeling stage of the project and had many complications at the beginning but i am picking things up now but i wanted to have the final 3D models smoothed out but during the modeling process I've been experimenting with colour on the 3D models and when the models aren't smoothed and still with the block effect it picks up the surrounding colours and light more effectively which is a major factor for the animation and in certain areas of the model they have their own colour as for if the model was smoothed out it would have a gradient. Another reason i also want this style is because the Johannesburg football stadium (where the final will be held) will have a shell around the stadium which has i similar style so i would like to incorporate that into the style.
To the left is the blocked style which i think will work great to pick up different tones and shades, (green and yellow ambient lights)

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