Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Camera angles for superhero's

Now that i have almost completed my script i want to look at what type of shots and camera angles can work for my animation, because i am aiming my animation at a younger audience i want it to have a superhero style theme so i will be looking at those types of shots in cartoons, movies, illustrations and TV, i also will be looking at camera angles in football matches to give it more realistic feel and camera angles in cartoons and films.

Superhero shots

From all the different types of mediums that i have viewed superhero franchise's upon, to me the superhero always has a strong pose, they have shots where the camera angle is quite low to the superhero's face so maybe that they look bigger and it does look more dramatic.


Camera angles/shots
Another thing that is different in the superhero movies is that the camera angles are a lot more diverse than regular films due to the fact that the superhero's can fly, leap buildings and so on, so the camera angles have to be more creative in capturing those moments.
Luckily for me someone has made a montage of the first Incredible Hulk film that displays the way the camera angles are shot to cope with a superhero character which is below, i particularly want to look at the Hulk franchise because he has some of the physical attributes that i want some of the players in my animation to poses such as speed, strength, jumping distances (not to Hulks extent) and i want to see how the shots cope with that.

Link to Hulk clips -

Below is the trailer for the Silver Surfer movie, i decided to look at this to see how the camera angles cope with the speed of the superhero and to see if i can apply that method to my animation.

From what i have seen, the superhero approaches the camera from a distance and rapidly passes through the shot head on then the camera quickly changes angles to see him heading of in the distance.
Another thing i like is how the superhero Human Torch leaves a trail of flame behind him which i think can help to show the speed of the character, maybe i could incorporate this into my animation by adding glow trails/lines...

I also want to gain more knowledge on camera shots and angles and i have been looking around for examples and i came across a video that has helped me in realizing what other shots are possible.

I have also looked at a book called "How to draw comics the Marvel way" by Stan Lee and John Buscema and they give you a few examples on how camera angles can make a big difference to the scene, which i will post shortly.

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