Monday, 15 February 2010

Football adverts and virals

I will also be looking at commercials and virals to see how they promote their product and see if their method can be applied or modified to my project in any way, this will also help me to gain more information on newer trends in football that can be applied later throughout the animation.

Frank Ribery - The Pink Panther - Pink Vapours

This is a animation that brings together several things to promote their product which is a pair of pink football boots. Obviously the first main thing is that they are promoting a PINK pair of football boots, they then base the animation on a cartoon named 'The Pink Panther' which has a French officer as one of the main characters (Inspector Clouseau) and finally the advert uses a very well known French footballer Frank Ribery. I've also noticed that they use Frank Ribery's footballing number number 7 where ever they can for example on the licence plate of the car and several times at the casino and in one scenes where the slot machine reels are spinning to reveal the objects 3 of the pink football boots appear as if to say 'you've got the boots and your a winner', so you can see subtle promoting is there that you might not normally notice.

I think this advert is for French TV and is different to many other English football adverts i have seen, this advert uses live footage and animation throughout, and uses humour also to promote the boots by using Frank Ribery as the Pink Panther. This animation is defiantly aimed at football fans because they are selling football boots and because they use a footballer also to promote the product, however with that being case i do think this model of promoting works well even if i am trying to promote the World cup to a younger audience that might not know so much about football and i think this because of the style of animation (cel-animated), humour throughout, a famous footballer and it is also lighthearted but i do also think this appeals to an older audience too because of the same reasons.

So to summarise i think this advert has a lot of positives that i could consider when developing my animation.

Differences between commercials for broadcast and virals for the Internet

I also want to look into making a viral if i have time to spare after i complete the animation and i wanted to look at the differences between promoting on TV and the Internet. From my years and years of watching TV and surfing the net i think i have some knowledge of the differences between the two however in the virals campaign case they are more of a recent type of promotional tool and i will look into the differences.

I wanted to pick a product not necessarily football that is being promoted and see the differences between the products broadcast for TV piece and the viral campaign piece.

I came across a viral campaign that i quite liked so i then looked for their commercial piece which are both below and the product being advertised is the HTC mobile phone.

Commercial for broadcast on TV

Viral piece for the Internet

I think both of these pieces work great and have a different way of promoting the phone where the commercial goes for a more heart felt approach showing how you can use the phone in everyday situations, which works great with the narrator talking over each scene in a monotone and there being a up tempo soundtrack, which is the first time i have come across something like that but it does remind me of the Apple commercial. I think the combination of the scenes being very well played out, the tone of the narrator, the dialogue and the soundtrack all are very strong and i wouldn't consider there to be one weak piece.

The viral however goes for a more humorous style where they play on the name of the phone 'Touch' where also the phone is the man's surrogate girlfriend.

You can see that the virals are a little more riskier with how they promote, i also think the commercial is aimed at a more maturer audience whereas the viral is aimed at teenagers and young professionals, more Internet orientated people.

I've placed the Apple - Think Different advert below, just in case you wanted to see it...

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