Wednesday, 21 April 2010


Recently i have been modelling the characters and realized very quickly that seven was far too many too make so i decided cut out two of the characters and later in the animation process i may be able to include them by creating them in a 2D form which will also give me a chance to try some mixed media work in this piece.

Through the modelling process i realized many things such as the better you make the models the easier it will be later for you to texture them, also do not add too many/needless edges because this just over complicates the model.

So far i am happy with the models but would like more time to improve them on the texture side of things, on thing i found difficult whilst i was texturing the models was that the UV snapshot image in Photoshop was at times blurry for when creating the textures which was difficult to make accurate textures.

Players below are:

Top left - Ronaldo, top right - Rooney, bottom left - Rio Ferdinand, bottom right - Gattuso, i also have Messi's model to finish too and will put it up soon on the blog. Out of all the charcters i would like to make some changes mainly to Rio and Ronaldo's face but overall i am happy with the outcomes so far.

Messi below

Now i will begin to rig the characters and hopefully have some walk cycles up soon.

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